Shadows' End

Shadows' End

The feature film Shadows' End is the story of a woman who is forced to face the demons from her past, after moving into a cottage she inherits from an estranged aunt.

Screenwriter: Jean Maye 

Official Site: Shadows End 

Target Audience 

Shadows’ End will appeal to adult audiences and fans of films such as The Others, Dark Water, The Woman in Black and The Orphanage.


Shadows’ End is a supernatural thriller which also brings together a combination of drama and psychological suspense with a theme of love and loss at its core. The story and film will appeal to a worldwide market, accessible to audiences categorised at the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC), 18 ratings and above.


We are currently updating the script for Shadows' End and are seeking executive producers/film financiers to help push this film into production. We are also on the look-out for another producer to join the project, so if you are interested please get in touch!


This script has already been nominated and won several awards. 

Jean Maye

Jean Maye
Company Director, Producer & Screenwriter

Jean Maye is a multi-award-winning screenwriter/producer and the company director of Mouse Chased Cat Productions Ltd.

She is also an international bestselling author of books for children, young adults, and families. She writes fiction and non-fiction.

Her writing skills are also supported by a varied range of qualifications including a master’s degree in Creative Writing at Kingston University in 2012 specialising in screenwriting, a summer writing course at Oxford University, and attending various screenwriting seminars and workshops run by experts in the industry such as Linda Seger, Syd Field, Robert McKee, John Yorke, Jurgen Wolff and John Truby.

She also has a Producers Foundation Certificate, presented by Raindance in 2014.

Her writing influences vary widely from her love for C.S Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien to Stephen King, Hitchcock, and Polanski. She also adores music/musical theatre and is a keen lyricist. She works in collaboration with a pianist/composer, producing music with various vocal artists.

Steve McCarten

Steve McCarten

Steve is a freelance Producer, Writer and Director. He has worked across both HETV & Film for 15 years. Bringing a wealth of experience to the project.

He is also an author of books spanning mythology, Information Technology and his how to  make short films 'First Frame'.

He also teaches media production and has spent several years working at the prestigious Bournemouth Film School  teaching across MA Directing, MA Producing, BATV and BA Media Produciton.

To date Steve has worked on more than 30 productions ranging from shorts, to HETV to Features. 

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